Local Offer Fields
📄️ availability
Use the availability attribute to display your stock status. Please note that the values of this field (which is for the local shop offer) differs from [`availability`](/feeds/offer/fields/availability.md) on the high level offer.
📄️ id
Identifier should be unique for every product and not be changed or re-used for other products, a good practice is to use SKUs as ids since they are unique.
📄️ local_shipping_label
Label that you assign to a product to help assign shipping in Google Merchant Center. **Not used** by Prisjakt.
📄️ pickup_method
Specifies what available pickup options exists for your shop.
📄️ pickup_sla
Specifies the expected date when an order will be ready for pickup, relative to when the order is placed.
📄️ price
Your products price in the specific shop referenced by [`store_code`](/feeds/local-offer/fields/store_code.md).
📄️ quantity
The number of items in stock for the shop
📄️ sale_price
Your product's sale price
📄️ sale_price_effective_date
The date range during which the sale price applies
📄️ store_code
Identifier to specify which local shop this local offer belongs to. **NOTE** Google uses the terminology of __store__ and the field in the offer feed but uses the terminology **shop** in the store feed. Prisjakt uses the terminology of **shop** everywhere but must follow googles example in the files here for compatability reasons.
These fields are available in Local inventory offer feeds.