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Optional Field

This field is optional, but omitting it may leave out functionality on Prisjakt for your offers


Your products price in the specific shop referenced by store_code.

Validation Rules

  • Must be a number (value) followed by a space and a currency (unit)
  • Number may have two decimals, separated by a . (dot)
  • Currency must be three upper case characters and a valid ISO 4217 currency
  • Zero prices are not allowed

Best Practices


  • Submit price if your item has a different price per shop
  • The inventory data price will override the price in the product data feed for the associated shop.
  • Accurately submit the product's price and currency, and match with the price from your shops
  • Ensure that the product can be purchased in-shop for the submitted price.
  • For products sold in bulk quantities, bundles, or multipacks: Submit the total price of the minimum purchasable quantity, bundle, or multipack.
  • For the US and Canada: Don't include tax in the price.
  • For all other countries:Include value added tax (VAT) or Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the price.


  • Do not include extra charges in the cost (such as shipping cost)
  • Do not use thousand separators or similar in the value (while we may handle some of these cases we recommend you to just send plain numbers like 10000.50 SEK)

Example Values

Here are examples of how a valid price value should look like in XML and CSV (with header) respectively.

Valid Value
<g:price>99.99 SEK</g:price>
Click to show more valid XML examples
<g:price>99.99 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>100 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>SEK 100</g:price>
<g:price>99,99 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>10,000.00 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>10 000.00 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>10.000 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>1.144.000 SEK</g:price>

Error Codes

Below you will find possible error codes generated when validating this field alongside with an example in XML and CSV that would trigger the code. Please refer to the validation rules to understand the cause.

<g:price> SEK</g:price>
<g:price> SEK</g:price>
<g:price>foo SEK</g:price>
<g:price>-10 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>0 SEK</g:price>
<g:price>1000000000 SEK</g:price>


Data TypepriceClosest data type in code
NestedFalseDefines if this field consists of one or more sub-fields
Case SensitiveTrueIf small or large letters matter for this field
RepeatableFalseIf you can supply multiple items of this field (it´s a list)
Repeatable limit0If a list, this specifices the max number of items


📅 2025-02-24


Initial definition
