Prisjakt Local Offer XML
Our feed format is an extension of the Google Merchant Local Product Data Specification, and as such these fields will be usable for other systems that support Google Local Product Data Feeds.
Field Requirements
We require full offer information and do not accept local offer updates on single fields, always supply the full offer.
Example Files
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<rss xmlns:pj="" xmlns:g="" version="3.0">
<title>Prisjakt Minimal Local Inventory Offer Feed</title>
<description>This is a local offer inventory feed with the minimal values required</description>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<rss xmlns:pj="" xmlns:g="" version="3.0">
<title>Prisjakt Example Local Inventory Offer Feed</title>
<description>This is a local offer inventory feed with all possible values</description>
<g:price>3200000 SEK</g:price>
<g:sale_price>11.50 SEK</g:sale_price>