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Required Field

This field is required and must not be omitted


Identifier should be unique for every product and not be changed or re-used for other products, a good practice is to use SKUs as ids since they are unique.

Validation Rules

  • Length must be between 1-36
  • Must be unique
  • Only ascii characters
  • Trailing whitespace characters are not allowed
  • Disallowed characters are ! + @ # $ % ^ & * < > ; :

Best Practices


  • Use SKUs as ids
  • You can follow Google format but in some rare cases we might reject some offers due to stricter validation.


  • Re-use, if re-used, your product might end up indexed to the wrong Prisjakt product
  • Change over time, if changed, the product will need to be indexed again
  • Don't add whitespace characters (" ", "\n", "t") at the beginning or the end of the id field

Example Values

Here are examples of how a valid id value should look like in XML and CSV (with header) respectively.

Valid Value
Click to show more valid XML examples

Error Codes

Below you will find possible error codes generated when validating this field alongside with an example in XML and CSV that would trigger the code. Please refer to the validation rules to understand the cause.

<g:id><![CDATA[ ]]></g:id>
<g:id><![CDATA[a ]]></g:id>
<g:id><![CDATA[ a]]></g:id>


Data TypestringClosest data type in code
NestedFalseDefines if this field consists of one or more sub-fields
Case SensitiveTrueIf small or large letters matter for this field
RepeatableFalseIf you can supply multiple items of this field (it´s a list)
Repeatable limit0If a list, this specifices the max number of items


📅 2023-06-07


Rule for id validation has been updated. Only ASCII characters (with some exceptions) are now allowed. There is also a list of disallowed characters. Please check documentaiton for more details.

📅 2022-12-07


Initial definition
