General Exceptions
If there is any problem with your feed, a general exception is logged and the process will be aborted. This page clarifies what the error codes mean and some common things to investigate in order to try to fix the problem.
This error code is thrown when we get a wrong http response from your web server such as
- Invalid response code
- Timeouts (we have timeout limits configured so time to first byte cannot bee too long, see web server configuration)
- Other errors occuring when we make http requests to your server
Our agent was aborted while reading the feed from your web server. Please see our web server configuration section for recommendations. Potential things to investigate if the error is recurring is:
- Web server timeout settings
- Web server logs
- Cache configuratins
- Anti bot systems
This ingestion run is already running. This error might happen due to retry policies trying to start a run multiple times and you should wait for the run to complete.
The format of the feed does not match the supported format (eg. you cannot configure a feed to use our Prisjakt XML but then send a Prisjakt CSV).
If the encoding of the file is anything else than our supported encodings this error is thrown. Please see our encoding section for details.
We process your feed in chunks, this error is thrown mid-processing if we are unable to decode the next chunk.
When reading your feed we sample some initial bytes in order to detect file encoding and csv format. If we are unable to detect the csv format during this sampling this error occurs.
Please refer to our section regarding CSV files and escaping in CSV in order to properly construct your CSV files.
The feed configuration for affiliate link template is malformed and we are unable to render links from it. Contact support to update the template and resolve this issue.
If your feed contains only contains items cannot be read, then it serves no purpose and this error is thrown. A feed must contain at least one accepted offer to be useful.
If your feed contains only rejected offers, then it serves no purpose and this error is thrown. A feed must contain at least one accepted offer to be useful.
We only accept valid XML syntasx, please see our section about XML and ensure that you are seding a correctly formated XML file. You can use different tools to validate this.
Possible things to investigate
- Is there a valiud XML header tag to start with
- Are all XML elements properly closed
- Are all XML elements properly encoded
- Are namespaces used correctly
This error is caused by our safeguard. To make it harder to delete the full inventory of a feed we have a safeguard setting (default 30% of offers) that can be adjusted on a per feed basis. If our agent detects that it would remove more offers than this threshold then the process is aborted and this error is thrown. Contact support if you want to adjust this value, bot relative and absolute levels are applicable.
If this error ever happens, please report it to support as this means we have a case that is not known by us.
An internal error code have been thrown, you do not need to do anything. We see this and we are investigating the case.