Required Field
This field is required and must not be omitted
You can set special hours if your business temporarily adjusts its hours of operation or remains closed for up to 6 days in a row.
Validation Rules
- Use 24-hour format: HH:MM-HH:MM
Best Practices
- Use an X to indicate closed all day
- For multiple sets per day, use a comma to separate 11:30-14:00, 17:00-22:00
Example Values
Here are examples of how a valid special_hours value should look like in CSV (with header).
Valid CSV Value
"2025-12-31: 05:00-23:00, 2026-01-01: x"
Click to show more valid CSV examples
"2025-12-31: 05:00-23:00, 2026-01-01: x"
"2025-12-24: 05:00-23:00, 2025-12-25: x"
Error Codes
Below you will find possible error codes generated when validating this field alongside with an example in CSV that would trigger the code. Please refer to the validation rules to understand the cause.
Property | Value | Description |
Data Type | string | Closest data type in code |
Nested | False | Defines if this field consists of one or more sub-fields |
Case Sensitive | False | If small or large letters matter for this field |
Repeatable | False | If you can supply multiple items of this field (it´s a list) |
Repeatable limit | 0 | If a list, this specifices the max number of items |
📅 2025-02-24
Initial definition