🗃️ Offer
3 items
🗃️ Product
3 items
🗃️ Promotion
3 items
🗃️ Local Shop
3 items
🗃️ Local Offer
3 items
Feed Types
We support feeds for different types of integration with us.
- Offer feed is the most common feed type, compatible with Google Merchant Feed and is the way shops provide us with prices and stock status.
- Product feed is intended for manufacturers who wants to provide us with detailed product information of the products they create.
- Promotion feed is a way for shops to automate promotion campaigns through us. Visible at the promotions page.
- Local shop feed is for you who have shops in multiple physical locations. This feeds helps us define your shop information such as opening hours and address.
- Local inventory offer feed is use in conjunction with Local Shop Feeds to provide local-specific availability, prices and shipping options.
Pull Based Delivery Flow
The default flow of reding the feeds is simply that you provide an URL to us and we will periodically read it and update it. Frequency depends on the type of feed and your SLA level.
Push Based Delivery Flow
It is also possible to upload the feed to us, either via the user iterface in Business Center or via our Feed API (contact support for credentials).