📄️ additional_image_link
Used to add additional image links. The images may include different angles, colours etc. This gives the user the option to view different variants that might exist for a product.
📄️ adult
Should be used for tagging products for an adult audience. Not used to describe [`age_group`](/feeds/offer/fields/, but for specific product types, such as sex toys.
📄️ affiliate_link
Add this attribute if you're using affiliate platform tracking.
📄️ age_group
Sets the demographic age your product is designed for.
📄️ availability
Use the availability attribute to display your stock status.
📄️ availability_date
This field is used together with [`availability`](/feeds/offer/fields/ for `preorder` or `backorder` values.
📄️ brand
The brand attribute is used to indicate a product's brand/manufacturer name.
📄️ color
Describe your product's color. Using this attribute is strongly recommended for Fashion and Beauty categories. Add it to improve search results and listing.
📄️ condition
State the condition of the product you are selling for your customers.
📄️ condition_grade
Use this attribute to provide a grade for the condition of the product.
📄️ description
Use it to add unstructured product information
📄️ energy_efficiency_class
It's strongly recommended to use this attribute for Electronics/Household Appliances categories.
📄️ gender
Specify the gender your product is designed for.
📄️ google_product_category
This attribute is used to help us place products in relevant categories. It should contain full category path from Google Taxonomy or respective category id. If you don't know or have Google product category, submit [`product_type`](/feeds/offer/fields/ instead.
📄️ gtin
Use the GTIN attribute to submit a [Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) | GS1]( A GTIN uniquely identifies your product. Including this will help indexing your products faster on Pricespy.
📄️ id
Identifier should be unique for every product and not be changed or re-used for other products, a good practice is to use SKUs as ids since they are unique.
📄️ image_link
Add it to improve search results and listing. If you have more then one image you can use the [`additional_image_link`](/feeds/offer/fields/ attribute to include more.
📄️ is_bundle
This attribute indicates if the offer is a bundle of products (mobile phone and subscription or DSLR camera and additional lens etc). It is **optional** in most countries, but **required** for products sold on French market.
📄️ item_group_id
This attribute is strongly recommended for fashion and beauty segment. It helps us group variant offers and present relevant offers to the users.
📄️ link
We need links to be able to re-direct users to your product page. In the link attribute you provide the URL for your product page.
📄️ material
It is recommended to use this attribute in Fashion categories. Add it to improve search results and listing.
📄️ member_price
This is product price that is active for users with active membership
📄️ mpn
Add valid MPN, manufacturer part number for the specific product. MPN is a unique number which identifies specific products among a manufacturer's product range. The numbers are used by shoppers to find specifically what they are looking for. MPNs help Prisjakt index your offers more efficiently.
📄️ pattern
Using this attribute is strongly recommended for Fashion categories.
📄️ price
Use this attribute to tell customers what you charge for your product. A price can be overridden by a [`sale_price`](/feeds/offer/fields/ during a given time period using [`sale_price_effective_date`](/feeds/offer/fields/ or it may be complemented for members by using [`member_price`](/feeds/offer/fields/
📄️ prisjakt_id
Add this information if you know to which Prisjakt product we should match your product.
📄️ product_detail
In this attribute add all structured information about the product.
📄️ product_type
It's strongly recommended to use this attribute if [`google_product_category`](/feeds/offer/fields/ is not present.
📄️ promotion_id
The `promotion_id` field allows mapping your inventory to promotions. Offer is mapped to promotion by [`promotion_id`](/feeds/promotion/fields/ in promotion feed.
📄️ sale_price
It should be the same as the currently active sales price on your product page. If the sales is inactive it should be empty or [`sale_price_effective_date`]( attribute should be used.
📄️ sale_price_effective_date
Datetime range indicating when [`sale_price`](/feeds/offer/fields/ is active. If you don't submit this attribute [`sale_price`](/feeds/offer/fields/ always applies.
📄️ shipping
The `shipping` attribute is used to set cost, time and methods of delivery. Please note, that `shipping` is **required** for all products sold on French market.
📄️ shipping_height
It is recommended to add this attribute if delivery costs based on dimensions.
📄️ shipping_label
Shipping label allows mapping your inventory to specific shipping service. Please see our [documentation for shipping services for details](
📄️ shipping_length
It is recommended to add this attribute if delivery costs based on dimensions.
📄️ shipping_weight
It is recommended to add this attribute if delivery costs based on weight.
📄️ shipping_width
It is recommended to add this attribute if delivery costs based on dimensions.
📄️ size
Used to describe size in **fashion categories**. It is recommended to add this attribute for fashion products to improve results and listing.
📄️ size_system
Using this attribute is required if [`size`]( is specified for a product.
📄️ title
It should contain the full product name. The title is used to clearly state what product your shop is selling. It's the **most important attribute** for Prisjakt to be able to index your product/offer correctly. It should contain a manufacturer name along with product name or model. Including size, color and gender is recommended for product types that specifies this.
These fields are available in Offer feeds.